We can help you originate your broadcast or video-on-demand service in Europe

The Netherlands has a highly skilled creative and technical workforce, hosts one of the most connected internet exchanges on the planet and offers an advanced regulatory framework and media-service provider ecosystem.  Along with our in-territory partners, we understand these benefits, how your media products can benefit from them and can help you distribute your content across the European Union and beyond.  

Establish your service in the European Union

Acquiring the rights to present a media service in The Netherlands

Our expertise includes

Entity creation Establishing legal structures within your global corporate structures to enable you to originate pan-European media services
Defining an operating model and business processes Configuring your business to deliver effective creative control, content-planning and partnerships, to utilize effective contribution and distribution methods will be fundamental to your success.  We can help you define and deliver on your business case and engage with local regulators and partners.
Headquartering Your operation will need a base and we can help you source and negotiate property leases
Regulatory applications and adherence To distribute your media services with an EU regulatory permit approval must be sought.  We can help you prepare your application and prepare your organisation for the responsibilities it entails.